“In Somatic traditions the body is regarded as a temple, worthy of sacred presence”
Tantric Massage
First and foremost, Tantric massage is an energetically based form of bodywork that begins with a hands-on approach and physical touch. This sophisticated form of massage is very therapeutic in nature and can bring about miraculous healing effects.
As the receiver, you experience a reprogramming of your entire being and can undergo a profound awakening that will transform your life in the most unexpected ways. It is most acclaimed for its ability to eliminate blockages, physical, sexual, energetic, emotional, and mental – while restoring your life force.
In the Tantric tradition, the human body is regarded as a temple, worthy of worship and sacred presence. It is important to understand that Tantric Massage is a whole-body experience. All aspects of your being and all parts of your body are honored; nothing is left untouched, even those parts of the body deemed “untouchable” or forbidden.
Tantric Massage was designed as a bridge (not a path in and of itself) for modern people. It helps to prepare an individual for the higher Tantric teachings and practices.
Price: 1.5 Hours $200
This Ritual is a profound awakening which releases trauma and numbness held in the body. Sacred Spot is a direct energetic access point to the heart of the second chakra, located in the anus within the P-Spot.
Ancient Tantric believe the second chakra, or sacral chakra, is the seat of our emotional, creative and sexual energies. Our sexual energy is the most potent energy we have and is considered sacred in these traditions, as it is the energy of creation - of life itself.
When you experienced trauma, the energy and emotion of that trauma gets stuck in your physical tissue. As the heart of the sexual and emotional center, the P-Spot can hold pain and numbness from unpleasant experiences.
What Are The Benefits Of Sacred Spot Ritual?
The Sacred Spot Ritual is a modern healing modality based on ancient Tantric philosophy and energy technology which releases past energetic and psychological residue from the second chakra.
It awakens and connects the neural circuitry between your erogenous zones and the brain, increasing the capacity to feel expanded pleasure throughout the body.
This awakens a man’s ability to experience extraordinary states of ecstasy and access elevated states of union and bliss. This can have a profound effect on all areas of life, as it awakens and enhances all levels of your being; physical, sexual, relational, emotional, mental, creative, spiritual and energetic. Emotionally, this work can open both giver and receiver to expanded states of bliss, connection, reverence, ecstatic joy.
Price: 2.5 hours $300