Sacred Relating: 4 Week Programme

When was the last time you simply stopped and got curious about you, no one else, just you ?

This sacred relating is the first step on the path of awakening. We live in a world of relationships; we navigate these relationships from our current understanding and often view through a distorted lens focused on past experiences and conditioning. Sacred Relating is a invitation to unmask the illusion of how we relate to our self and others, to truly experience what it means to be living and speaking from the heart.

This 4 week program has been designed as a continuation on from the 3 day Sacred Relating retreat. It’s an invitation to dive even deeper into the most important relationship you will ever have- the one with yourself. Over the next 4 weeks you’ll be introduced to the fundamentals of relating and walk away with a new tool kit for yourself and your life.

What is sacred relating ? Simply put, it is how we show up in the world and how we relate to our Unconscious patterns, exploring how they might impact our lives. Sacred relating is a deep journey of intimacy, deeply knowing someone else at the same time as feeling deeply known yourself. This is something men crave, and though at times it may seem more difficult for men to express it, this doesn't mean they don't need or want it.

Sacred Relating is a powerful living laboratory for growth. 

What does the offering include?

4x 1 hour online sessions

Learn new ways of communicating and relating

Learn how to activate your life force energy

Learn what Intimacy is for you

Feel safer and more confident

The price for the Sacred Relating 4 week programme $1200 (NZ Dollers)